DS News
Navigating the Super Bowl in a year like no other
In last week's Rochester Business Journal, Chief Creative Officer Mark Stone contributed a special column to discuss how brands navigated the Super Bowl commercials this year, a year like no other.
As he noted in the column: "Making a Super Bowl commercial is always full of pressure, and now it’s a far riskier time to craft a commercial and finesse a message that feels just right for the moment." Read the full column with insights here.
UPCOMING: Part 2 from Mark Stone is coming this Friday! In the February 12 edition of the Rochester Business Journal, he'll share a second column to discuss what we saw, how viewers responded to this year's Super Bowl commercials and lessons business leaders can take away from it all. Be sure to come back to read Part 2 on Friday!
*Please note: Must be an RBJ subscriber to access this content.