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Ryann Guglielmo Serves on Local Marketing Panel

DS News / 3.31.21

Public Relations Director Ryann Guglielmo served on a panel discussion, “Learn from Local Marketers’ Successes and Failures in a Post COVID-19 World," hosted by Roberts Wesleyan College and Rochester Young Professionals.

Ryann was a panelist March 30 alongside IBERO American Action League Chief Communications & Development Officer Julio Saenz and Marketing & Branding Consultant Sean Pritzkau. All three panelists are graduates of Roberts Wesleyan’s Master’s in Strategic Marketing program.

Together, they discussed how they successfully altered marketing strategies during the pandemic, which marketing tactics surprised them the most and, as businesses start to reopen, what their predictions (And advice!) are for allocating marketing budgets.

Thank you to Roberts Wesleyan and Rochester Young Professionals for hosting this important discussion!